I can’t say that I’ve always wanted to be a photographer, but as a teen I’d I find myself spending hours dedicated to finding the perfect subject, the perfect time, or the perfect lighting. When I graduated high school, I contemplated pursuing a career in photography; however, "the what-ifs" took hold - what if I’m not good enough? what if I can't find a job? If there is one thing I've learned in becoming a photographer it is that you make things happen. Photographs aren't taken they are made, success in life doesn't happen; it is made.
I retain useless pieces of data like iron fillings to an electromagnet. Growing up, I rapidly discovered I was not like the other kids. I was small for my age and often teased for being a know-it-all and a literalist. As a result of my grade-school experiences, I trained myself to become banal and vanilla, for camouflage. I desperately wanted to fit in by blending in. In college, I studied photography, attempting traditional tropes such as portraiture but gravitating towards the abstract. I determined my world deserved more flavor than I was allowing. I call my style "Non-Fiction Photography" - I embraced my proclivities and here we are.
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Nathan T. Gross